Common Mistakes That New Homebuyers Make

Summary: You cannot return a home and get your money back if you are dissatisfied with your purchase. Therefore, buyer be aware and take your time with the decision that will likely be one of the biggest purchases of your life.

Too often new homeowners make common mistakes and buying a house they later find they cannot afford is one of them.
Before you invest energy and money into a new home, sit down and figure out what you can afford to spend. Your expenditure will depend on all of your expenses for the home and other living incidentals.
Then you should go to a mortgage lender and find out if you can get pre-approved for a loan.

Taking these steps will eliminate a lot of frustration. This way you will not only know whether you qualify for a loan or not but also how much of a loan you will be able to get. Then talk with a real estate agent armed with the necessary information you need to make a sound decision. Your agent will act as your representative to negotiate housing and closing costs.

Since lenders will be checking employment history, hold off on changing jobs until after you have secured your home purchase. Lenders are looking for job stability so if you have been moving from a lot of jobs it will help you to settle down on a job for a while before seeking a mortgage.

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